• Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your class start time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will forfeit your class. This is to ensure that all students warm up properly with the rest of the class, reducing risk of injury and ensuring our classes start on time. Late students will NOT be permitted to join in the class if they have not attended the warm up.

  • Refunds for late students will not be issued.

  • Pole Fitness Studio reserves the right to alter the timetable or teacher due to

    circumstances beyond our control.

  • I have filled out a waiver before taking part in any class/event or workshop. It is

    the student’s responsibility to inform their instructor of any changes to their

    medical condition when they attend each class.

  • All parties, memberships, punch cards, and classes are non-refundable under

    any circumstances.

  • Students must not apply lotions, moisturizers or creams on the day of the class

    as they make the pole and you slippery.

  • If I have a sickness or injury which may put myself or others at risk during the

    class, I will inform the instructor in advance of the class.

  • Any and all injuries suered during class, including minor injuries, must be

    reported to the instructor at the time of occurrence.

  • In the event of bad weather, Pole Fitness Studio will announce class

    cancellations on Meta and Instagram.

  • I will NOT ‘spot’ or teach other students while attending classes at Pole Fitness

    Studio for safety reasons.

  • If a student is trying a move that has not been demonstrated by an instructor,

    your instructor will not be liable for any compensation should an injury or

    incident occur.

  • Each individual student will be taught moves based on their previous


  • Pole Fitness Studio takes all precautions to ensure the safety of everyone involved. I acknowledge that the sport of pole fitness can be strenuous and at times, dangerous. I will rely upon my own judgment in participating in any exercise or maneuvers. I have been told about the potential risks to my health and freely accept that by participating I run the risk of injury, particularly if I were to fall from, or knock myself on the pole. I will not hold Pole Fitness Studio liable for any pre-existing injuries or medical condition, which may be exacerbated if I participate.

  • I hereby assume all responsibility for and, on behalf of myself, any heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, waive all claims against Pole Fitness Studio and its instructors for, any and all injuries, claims or damages that I might incur. This waiver extends to all claims of any kind whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown, direct, indirect or consequential losses.

  • Nothing in this waiver shall exclude or limit Pole Fitness Studio’s liability (i) for personal injury caused by its own or its instructor’s negligence; (ii) for fraud; or (iii) in any way that is not permitted under applicable laws.


If you have any medical conditions or injuries, or are worried about any aspect of your health that may prevent you from doing physical activity you must consult your doctor prior to attending any class.

Please advise your instructor of any health conditions at the start of the class and ensure that you update your instructor should your health or physical fitness or ability change.

All participants must sign a disclaimer to waive liability before starting a class or course.

We DO NOT teach anyone under the age of seven (7) years. Participants between the age of seven and 21 years must have consent from a parent or guardian.